White Pages in Affiliate Marketing: Why Use Them?

What is a White page? A White page in affiliate marketing is a page visible to a moderator or a bot from an advertising network when they review an advertising campaign. This page always contains content that fully complies with the site’s rules., Ideally, the moderator approves the ad, and once the offer is approved, users can see the actual page of the offer.

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Basic concepts and terms

The main concept here is cloaking. We call cloaking the process of substituting the landing page of the offer. In this case, the moderator is shown a white page, while the real product page is hidden, waiting for its hour. Why is it necessary to create a safe page at all?

The thing is that there is a black page — the actual page of the offer. And it is most likely to be banned by advertising networks, such as  Facebook, Instagram, Google. Achieving the balance between white page, visible to the system, and black page, seen by users, is the main thing.

Advantages and disadvantages of white pages

The main benefit of a white page is obvious: it increases the likelihood of advertising campaign approval, even if the ads with questionable landing pages may violate platform rules. In many verticals, cloaking is necessary, because most offers are gray and do not comply with the advertising network policies.

Keep in mind that cloaking is a gray method in affiliate marketing, and using it can lead to your advertising campaign being blocked. You should use white pages with caution and wisdom.

How do white pages work?

The traditional approach tousing a safe page involves dividing the audience into two groups: real users and bots. The first group sees the complete offer, while the second group is directed to a white page instead.

A white page allows you to trick search engine bots, which are not yet advanced enough to immediately identify the cloaking mechanisms. While it doesn't always guarantee success, it is commonly used by those operating in controversial verticals.

Tools and methods for creating a white page

To create a safe page, you can use several classic and convenient ways, each with its own pros and cons. Many articles have been written about these techniques,. so let’s consider them separately and describe the pros and cons of each.

How to create an effective safe page quickly

Before you do that, there is one more rule. It is recommended that the white page should match the theme of the creative. It is not always possible to do this. Would be great if you can; if not, the safe page should be as neutral as possible.


High-quality white pages in Russian or any other language should meet all the requirements listed above. This includes having relevant content, a trustworthy domain name, as well as the absence of any prohibited elements. Keep in mind that failing to meet even one of these criteria can undermine all efforts to create a cloaking page for advertising.

It is not necessary to create a white page from scratch by crafting each element yourself. Instead, you can quickly and effectively borrow the structure, content, or elements from others. We’ll explain the best ways to do this.

White pages from Money Safe Tool

Nowadays, there are many services that specialize in creating white pages. One of the top options  is Money Safe. This tool guarantees 100% moderation across all traffic sources. They’ve prepared a set of examples for different verticals, which you can view here: https://money-safe.org/examples/.

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