What is a smartlink and how does it work?
Smartlink is a link that allows you to direct traffic to several offers and distribute it automatically. For the publisher, this appears as one link to which all the traffic is sent.
Special scripts collect and analyze user data and suggest the best brand automatically. Each user will see a unique offer. If the offer for the best option has ended, the smartlink will offer the second most profitable option.
With a smartlink, you can direct traffic from all over the world. It selects the best brands for your traffic for maximum earnings. Details of working conditions and payment terms for each GEO will be provided by your personal manager.
Smartlink Benefits
No need to create multiple URLs for different ads and advertising campaigns, nor track the activity of offers
No costs for testing audiences
Direct traffic from sources where it is hard to set up targeting
More conversions and income from traffic
Smartlink is for you:
If you have just started directing traffic.
If you have mixed traffic, different GEOs and/or devices.
If you are testing a new traffic source and you are not sure about its quality.
If you have high-quality traffic, but there is a need to direct it quickly.
Smartlink is available immediately after registration and account approval. If you already have statistics for your traffic sources, your personal manager will select the appropriate offers based on it. If you don’t have statistics or you don’t want to disclose it, a smartlink allows us to receive initial data and, based on it, select additional offers for you.
We can analyze traffic with just 10 NDC!
How to connect a smartlink?
To connect a smartlink, you need to open your personal account. There you will find your personal link. Then it just needs to be copied and placed on your sources.
Connect smartlink right now and watch your performance grow!